PNC Park Later Construction - 2000

A Landmark Takes Shape

Took this one walking out of Three Rivers Stadium some time in the summer on my way back to my car parked by George Wilson Company. The structure has largely taken shape and they are filling in the details. You can still see the "Days Until First Pitch" sign, now with much more impressive surroundings than when we first spotted it.

Crazy enough I discovered this picture on the web taken by a gentleman unknown to me who must have taken his picture on the same day. Notice the crane is in the exact same position. I guess we went to the same Pirate Game at Three Rivers!

Northwest corner of PNC Park, while under construction in the Summer of 2000.

The three stadia of the three rivers! A very temporary view of Heinz Field, Three Rivers Stadium and PNC Park, from just a little West of Station Square. It is amazing to me how close Heinz Field was built to Three Rivers Stadium, considering Three Rivers was later blown up!

View of Heinz Field, Three Rivers Stadium and PNC Park, from across the river.

Another view of Pittsburgh's three sports parks, this one from further East right about opposite the point on the south side. Heinz Field is just visible on the very left corner of the picture.

View of Heinz Field, Three Rivers Stadium and PNC Park, from across the river.

A view of the rapidly progressing PNC Park from across the Clemente Bridge. The most visible thing missing is the seats, but if you look closely at all the steel work you can see that it is really just structure - there are no interiors or roofs or anything like that yet.

A view of the unfinsihed PNC Park, from across the Clemente Bridge, circa summer 2000.

Here is a view from inside Three Rivers Stadium. One fall day I went to the last Steeler game I ever attended in Three Rivers Stadium. I believe we were playing the Bengels. And if you remember Three Rivers, you had to climb all these ramps as you went up to your level. Rounding one of the ramps you could see the finishing up PNC Park and I snapped this shot. At this point it is looking much more complete and the roof over the infield stands has been installed.

View of PNC Park from inside Three Rivers Stadium.